Prominent Islamic Scholars of the World: Countries and Websites


Prominent Islamic Scholars of the World

Here are some of the prominent Islamic scholars, their countries of origin, and associated websites:

Scholars, Countries and Websites

  1. Sheikh Hamza Yusuf - United States -

  2. Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah - Mauritania -

  3. Mufti Taqi Usmani - Pakistan -

  4. Sheikh Salman al-Ouda - Saudi Arabia -

  5. Sheikh Habib Ali Al-Jifri - Yemen -

  6. Sheikh Yasir Qadhi - United States -

  7. Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi - Syria -

  8. Sheikh Dr. Ali Jum'ah - Egypt -

  9. Sheikh Abdul Hakim Murad - United Kingdom -

  10. Dr. Ingrid Mattson - Canada -

**It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list and there are many other Islamic scholars who have made significant contributions to the field of Islamic studies.


**Here are some well-known Islamic scholars with their countries and associated websites:

  1. Sheikh Hamza Yusuf - USA: Sheikh Hamza Yusuf is an American Islamic scholar, co-founder of Zaytuna College, and a prominent figure in the American Muslim community. His website is

  2. Sheikh Yasir Qadhi - USA: Sheikh Yasir Qadhi is an American Islamic scholar and the Dean of Academic Affairs at Al-Maghrib Institute. He has a popular YouTube channel where he discusses various topics related to Islam. His website is

  3. Sheikh Salman Al-Ouda - Saudi Arabia: Sheikh Salman Al-Ouda is a Saudi Arabian Islamic scholar known for his moderation and advocacy of peaceful coexistence. His website is

  4. Mufti Menk - Zimbabwe: Mufti Menk is a Zimbabwean Islamic scholar and a popular speaker on various Islamic topics. He has a large following on social media and his website is

  5. Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda - USA: Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda is an American Islamic scholar and the founder of Qalam Institute. He has a popular YouTube channel where he discusses various topics related to Islam. His website is

  6. Sheikh Mohammad Hassan - Egypt: Sheikh Mohammad Hassan is an Egyptian Islamic scholar known for his extensive knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence and his advocacy of moderate Islam. His website is

  7. Sheikh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi - Syria: Sheikh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi is a Syrian Islamic scholar known for his opposition to the Syrian regime and his advocacy of human rights. His website is


These are just a few examples of well-known Islamic scholars, and there are many more who have made significant contributions to the field of Islamic studies.

**Information on Prominent Islamic scholars:

  1. The Muslim 500: This is an annual publication that lists the 500 most influential Muslims in the world. It includes scholars, politicians, religious leaders, and other notable figures. You can find the list on their website:

  2. Islamic Online University: This website offers a list of top Islamic scholars along with their biographies and contributions to the field of Islamic studies. You can find the list here:

  3. Oxford Islamic Studies Online: This is a resource that provides access to a wide range of scholarly articles, primary sources, and other materials related to the study of Islam. You can browse their section on "Islamic Scholars and Activists" here:

  4. Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation: This is a London-based organization that focuses on the preservation and study of Islamic heritage. They have an extensive collection of resources related to Islamic scholarship, including biographies of prominent scholars. You can find their website here:

  5. Darul Uloom Deoband: This is one of the oldest Islamic seminaries in India and has produced many prominent Islamic scholars. Their website provides information about the institution and its scholars:

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